Sunday, 7 February 2010

Long weekend of Works In Progress

It's been a seriously long weekend in the N13 Alpha base, I finally pulled myself away from building with Glyos, just long enough to get to get on with some models I've been "working on" for weeks...

All 3 of these are still very much in the "Work in progress" stage, but I'm very happy with how they are coming along.

Work in Progress 1: AKA Zombie "Old One" Munny

This is my first attempt at creating an all over skin, I wanted a Haggard look that could be either fine scales or Rotting tissue... A bizzarre combination, but I'm pleased with how it's turned out! Sadly in my haste to snap some photos of it, he managed to take a small (...6ft...) tumble and suffered some pretty major damage including the loss of an arm. He's mostly been put back together and will be re-united with his arm after the Modeling Clay skin is fully dried.

Work in Prgress 2: AKA K13

This is a Custom I've been trying to start for a looong time. I've started with some basic head additions, but intend to carry on around his body to make him slightly fatter, and give him an "all in one" body suit. The figure I've used as a base is a "Kelien" created by an awesome guy, Kel (Check his stuff out! Twitter Website) I actually have a few of his creatures, pictured below, including a Customised Fa'Tic.

Work in Progress 3: AKA Scar Kubrik

This is an Awesome custom Kubrik head that I recieved recently from Ralph on OctoberToys In an order of his custom Glyos figures (Also Awesome!). He was kind enough to even include an extra Kubrik for the little guy to be formed with. So obviously the first thing I did was try to sculpt him a Pheyden style body that would do him justice! Now I just need to finish of the colour scheme... I'm thinking Black and Red Apokalypse style!
Ralph is an awesome Artists and sculpter, the art cards he included in my order really blew me away! You can check out his stuff here: Ralphs customs To show you the level of awesome Ralph comes out with, just look at the package my Scar Kubrik came in! He even customized the box, Seriously dudes, Awesome!

No doubt there will be updates as these figures progress, so far I'm chuffed with how they are coming along, what do you all reckon?


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