Saturday, 13 February 2010

Iksentrik opening party and Matt 'Lunartik' JOnes

Iksentrik had their Grand opening in Bath today, Which promised to be an awesome day, including Knucklebear custom show 'Knuckle-Sandwich' and the Custom tea Tour With Matt 'Lunartik' JOnes!

I was really lucky and managed to attend...

For the Opening, Ryan from Iksentrik organised an awesome Custom show of the Massive 18 inch Touma Knuckle Bear. Including work by ChuckBoy, Cris Rose, JP Kaiser, Iksentrik, Indescribble, Lunabee, Lunartik, Sichi, SourBones and TriClops.

All of these pieces are seriously impressive, You can't (...Or rather I can't...) capture it in photo, but because of the humongous size of these bad boys they are covered in tiny details which the camera (...My camera...) just can't catch!

Custom Tea Tour
To go along side the Awesome Knuckle-Sandwich, Iksentrik served up a delicious warming Cup'O'Tea. Not only was there an awesome custom show of over 30 different custom cups, but Matt 'Lunartik' JOnes was there himself to sign/customize/chat with visitors.
I've tried to take as many photo's of the custom Cups as possible, but there were soooo many it was unbelievable, each one Awesome in it's own way!

On top of all those insane customs, was the man himself Mr Matt 'Lunartik' JOnes!

Matt was awesome enough to customize my very own Cup'O'Tea!

Matt was really down to earth and a seriously nice guy! While he customized my cup (See above) we had a really good chat and Matt explained how he had the Lunartik in a cup of Tea created and was telling me how one of the bits he had trouble with was the cup itself. He said that in the end, he actually sculpted the cup rather than use a pre-existing one! I would imagine that it was a lot more work doing it that way, but well worth it in the end, as there is a certain consistency of style between the Lunartik, the cup, the saucer and the spoon. A ready made cup just wouldn't have worked as well. If you don't have one of these figures yet, go and find one, they are seriously awesome!

All in all a seriously awesome day out, Thankyou Iksentrik, Congratulations on the new shop and I can't wait to see what you do next!


Help from Clarence the traveling Pheyden (See Photos) and N13 Super Mum, Grand photo taker!


  1. Great photos of the custom show

  2. Great photos, brilliant show, and Matt is such a funny guy!!!

  3. Nice photos! If you have a Flickr account I've created a group for all things Iksentrik! so please come along, join the group and post your photos!

  4. Superb photos of all the cup'o'teas and loving the 'N13 Super Mum' tag!
